I don’t know about you but I love raspberries!!
It is possibly due to the fact that my home in Tipperary is usually filled to the gills with raspberries around this time of year. We have 40 year old raspberry bushes growing in our garden that deliver a whopper crop of berries every year. If you were to open the fridge at home you would be confronted by bowl after bowl of freshly picked berries.
More importantly you wouldn’t be able to leave the house without a box of raspberries.As I’m travelling away from home, I’m not able to help out this year with the picking, eating, preserving and creating of treats. Instead, I’ve decided to share with you my favourite tried and tested raspberry recipes.
Raspberries are at their best during the summer months in Ireland. Go find your nearest locally grown crop and taste the goodness of fresh berries. Freezing raspberries is a great option too to allow you keep tasting the goodness all year long.
Chocolate Avocado Mousse Cups – a light chocolate mousse topped with fresh raspberries.
Muffins – any berry can be used in muffins. All of my muffin recipe happen to feature berries, including a combination of oats and raspberries (below), peanut butter and raspberry and white chocolate and blueberries.
Dark Chocolate & Raspberry Mousse Cake – the perfect summer celebration cake.
Berry & Oat Recharger – whizz up some raspberries for the perfect post-exercise or breakfast on the go option.
Happy cooking,
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