Carrot Top Pesto

Sustainability is a word thrown around a lot at the moment and particularly around food!

By definition: “The use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment. The ability to continue or be continued for a long time.”*

So, how can we be sustainable with our food?? For me, it comes back to the above definition of sustainability – “the ability to continue or be continued for a long time”.

If I buy carrots and only use them for one purpose or even throw them out because I didn’t use them in time and now they are gone off. The ability to continue or be continued for a long time is very short. Sure, I’ll enjoy these carrots on my plate but within probably a day, I’ve eaten them, digested them and moved them out from my body.

But what if I firstly bought enough carrots that I would use before they started to turn. I cooked, chopped or enjoyed the carrots raw . And, I saved the green leafy carrot tops and made some pesto??

The carrot itself would have been enjoyed short term but the carrot top has a much more longer enjoyment period preserved in the form of pesto in the fridge.

Makes 1 jar.

  • leafy greens from 1 bunch of carrots
  • 100g cheese – hard white cheese e.g. cheddar, parmesan, roughly chopped
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp lemon zest
  • pinch of sea-salt
  • 5 tbsp rapeseed oil
  1. Discard the stems (and compost) from the leafy carrot tops. Roughly chop the remaining greens.
  2. Place into a food processor or blender with the cheese, lemon juice and zest and salt.
  3. Blitz and slowly add the oil as you go until it has formed your desired pesto texture.
  4. Place into a sterile glass jar or resealable tub. Seal the top of the pesto with a layer of oil.
  5. Store in the fridge.
Carrot Top Pesto; Delalicious; Sinead Delahunty
Happy cooking,
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