#exerciseforlent – The Ups and Downs of Life

With any challenge, goal or quest in life there is always going to be conflicting times due to barriers some within our control and other times completely outside our control. One such barrier can be injury and illness. Nobody likes to be sick or injured. Initially, one or two days off work or school is nice but then the boredom sets in and if your in pain or physical discomfort there is nothing nice at all about this time.

My goal for Lent was to set myself a challenge. Instead of giving up, I was going to take up something and in my case get back strengthening my body whilst I travel the world. My aim was to complete three High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sessions per week in my #exerciseforlent campaign.

Like all good intentions, the first week was full of vigour and enthusiasm. The second week was a bit tougher as it clashed with a four day Lost City trek but I still managed to squeeze in the sessions before and after the trek. Week three and I was back on track, fitting in sessions daily if not every second day until week four. I had just landed in San Gil, a market town nestled in the mountainous regions of Santander state and otherwise known as Colombia’s adventure capital. I was all set to try some extreme sports and thankfully got to try rappelling and rafting until trouble struck. I got sick, no need to get into details but extreme tummy trouble should suffice. I was flat lined, no energy, no appetite and obviously a HIIT sessions was out.

#exerciseforlent, Delalicious, HIITSo after five days out from exercising, I feel like I should be pushing myself to do a session but just walking around is enough for me. I have two major treks planned in the next two weeks so they are my priority to be well enough to complete them. I’m not the kind of person to walk away from a challenge but right now I need to listen to my body for the long run. This is tough for me as I’m not used to being sick or not exercising in some way. The lack of positive effects on my mental well being from exercising daily is also beginning to kick in.

I am confident that with a few days more recuperation, I’ll be back to full steam but this is the thing about goals and setbacks. Goals never go from start to finish smoothly, they are more likely to match a roller coaster ride and the knocks, setbacks and tests along the way will make the result all the sweeter. Returning from injury and illness is just the same. No two individuals are the same and therefore their recovery can never be compared. All you can do is listen to your body and the professionals treating and guiding you.#exerciseforlent, #Delalicious It’s never too late to get moving yourself and join me on my #exerciseforlent campaign.

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